Merit Badge CollegeRhode Island CollegeJanuary 4th, 2025 REGISTRATION OPENS: - October 31, 2024, 11:59pm
- Last day to register December 31st, 8:00pm
- Youth register here!
- Two-deep leadership register here!
Learn from subject matter experts or lifelong hobbyists. Uncover difficult to find badges. Explore subjects outside of your comfort zone. All classes may not be offered every year, please check the 2025 course catalog for a list of scheduled classes.

Discover the many uses of electricity, including electromagnets, batteries, home lighting, motors, and more. Find out how to safely use electricity and avoid hazards. Get some hands on experience with some simple electric circuits and devices! 
Learn how digital information is stored and transmitted. Explore how digital technology has changed over the years. Investigate the practical aspects of digital technology and explore careers in the field. 
Learn to undertand and appreciate our differences! Explore the experiences of people with differing abilities and learn how providing accessibility can help improve fairness. Discover careers which support people with disabilities. 
Learn about the rights, duties, and obligations of United States citizens. Explore the history of our nation and keep up with current events. Understand the importance of our core documents. Examine how the branches of our federal government balance against each other. 
Become a detective who studies how people lived in the past to reveal the what, when, how and why of peoples daily lives. Using the clues that people left behind, understand how and why human culture has changed through time! 
Learn about the history and uses of fingerprinting! Learn to take a set of prints and explore identification methods and patterns. 
Consider the importance of utility and beauty in planning outdoor spaces! Explore how plants should be chosen and how paths and other spaces should be arranged to meet the intended use of the area. Investigate careers related to landscape architecture. 
Learn to safely find and record geocaches. A geocache is a place you can find using a GPS unit. Discover places to log your find and sometimes leave or take a small trinket! It is a fun way to learn to navigate using GPS. 
Find out how trains are used to move freight and passengers. Learn about the history of railroading and it's importance. Understand the development and safety aspects of trains. 
Learn the rules of the road and be safe as drivers, pedestrians, passengers, and cyclists! Understand the importance of being alert and unimpaired while driving. Investigate how to maintain an automobile and how it operates. Examine causes of accidents. 
Raising awareness is the most important element for reducing crime in your area. Learn about other methods to keep your family safe and your community more secure. 
Learn about the many specialties in veterinary science. Find out how the work of veterinarians contributes to public health, food safety, and society. Also explore career opportunities related to veterinary medicine. 
Present yourself and your ideas with confidence. Learn to give talks and introduce yourself. Find out how to truly lead a discussion. 
Explore what it means to be a member of the global community! Learn about international law and organizations such as the United Nations. Understand the relationships between nations and the role of the US State Department. 
Explore what it means to be a member of the global community! Learn about international law and organizations such as the United Nations. Understand the relationships between nations and the role of the US State Department 
Learn about the rights of workers and the history and importance of labor relations and unions. Investigate topics such as hours of work, wages, and working conditions. 
Develop your critical thinking and strategy skills! Learn the history of chess, and chess notation. Get familiar with the tactics, board, pieces, and moves. Then demonstrate your skills against opponents! 
Learn about the world around you through the science of meteorology! Understand weather hazards, high and low pressure systems, the science of weather, and the water cycle. Explore climates and how humans alter their environment. Find out about careers related to weather. 
Learn about the history of health care. Understand the Hippocratic Oath, patient-provider relationships, primary care vs specialties, and the role of insurance. Investigate various careers in health care. 
“Be Prepared” is the Scout motto. Become ready to face unexpected situations calmly and to think through your actions. Learn how to help yourself in emergency situations then how to give aid to others. 
Be active members of your local community. Learn about local government and do service work in your region. Research the history, culture, and demographics of your area. 
Reach for the stars! Learn about spacecraft and their history. Investigate the many aspects of venturing into space and consider how mankind might continue to explore the universe beyond our planet. Discover career opportunities related to space exploration. 
Keep on trucking! Learn about logistics and the process and importance of moving goods from one location to another. Understand safety through truck maintenance and driver’s logs. Explore career opportunities in the field of truck transportation. 
Learn about the history of law and the difference between civil law and criminal law. Investigate the different areas of law and find out about careers which are related to legal matters. 
Learn about oral, written, visual, and digital methods of sharing information. Share stories and information, participate in an interview, attend a public meeting, and plan an event. Explore careers in the field of communication. 
Learn about life under the sea! Understand the importance of the oceans and how they impact the world you know. Discover the properties of seawater, waves, underwater topography, and more! 
Discover the many uses of electricity, including electromagnets, batteries, home lighting, motors, and more. Find out how to safely use electricity and avoid hazards. Get some hands on experience with some simple electric circuits and devices! 
Learn about the history of programming and programming languages. Explore the applications of programming and how to modify code. Investigate careers related to programming. 
Chemistry is the solution to many problems! Learn about substances and how they interact. Understand lab safety and investigate by doing experiments. Learn about the many careers in fields related to chemistry. 
Geology Rocks! Learn about these natural resources. Understand sedimentary processes, energy resources, mineral resources, and earth's history. Research career opportunities related to geology. |