| FLY-FISHING MERIT BADGE Learn EVERYTHING about Fly-Fishing from some of the best fly-fishers in Rhode Island. We're partnering with the Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association, Trout Unlimited, United Fly Tiers of RI and Fly-Fishers International to deliver this unique experience. Scouts will spend two days learning hands-on. Scouts will tie their own flies, and have a chance to catch fish using those flies! |
 | AMERICAN LABOR MERIT BADGE AT THE MUSEUM OF WORK & CULTURE Tour the museum and learn about the types of work done in the textile mills in the Blackstone Valley, the workers who made that industry possible and the steps they took to better their experience. We will learn about the largest federation of unions in the US, the AFL-CIO from the President of the Rhode Island chapter, Patrick Crowley. |
 | Indian Lore Merit Badge The Museum was established in 1958 by Eva Butler, an anthropologist, with the guidance of the late Princess Red Wing (Narragansett/Wampanoag). It is Rhode Island’s only museum entirely dedicated to telling the story of the Indigenous peoples of this land. As of this Employee Handbook version date, the Museum, located in historic Arcadia Village in Exeter since the early 1970s, is also the only Rhode Island Museum operated by Indigenous people. It originated in Tomaquag Valley, a hamlet inside the village of Ashaway in the town of Hopkinton, Rhode Island. |