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Welcome to the Boy Scouts of America, we are so glad to have you as a part of the Scouting family! 

Although the Scouting language and program can seem overwhelming, we are here to help. This page will give you the high-level information needed to start your family's Scouting journey and understand what's going on. 

First things first.... Let's talk lingo

Click on each tab for more information about each specific program. 

Cub Scouts


Cub Scouting (for elementary aged youth)


 Boy Packs and Girl Packs are self explanatory, these packs are entirely made up of a single gender.

Family Packs are set up a little different. While any child can join these packs, Dens are made up of all boys or all girls. This allows families the ability to better schedule their Scouting nights!

Cub scouting is "Fun with a purpose!" It uses exciting activities to help teach youth about topics ranging from science and technology to the environment, to personal responsibility, and more! 

Cub Scout adventures are age appropriate and cover topics like Cooking, Science, and the outdoors.

Pack Structure:

Your son or daughter is in a Den. 
Dens are, typically, made of the following and should range from 6-8 Scouts:

  • Lion (Kindergarten)
  • Tiger (1st grade)
  • Wolf (2nd grade)
  • Bear (3rd grade)
  • Webelos (4th grade)
  • Arrow of Light (5th grade)




Scouts BSA


Scouts BSA (ages 11-18)


The Scouts BSA program is made up of units called Troops. These are entirely made up of boys or girls. It is not co-ed.

This program is designed to be a youth run program with only guidance from the unit leadership.

Troops are divided into patrols, led by a Scout called the "Patrol Leader." This structure helps develop leadership skills through outdoor adventure.

Scouting has adventures of all types including games, trips, purposeful activities, and service projects. All of these offer growth, personal achievement, and family involvement!

Learning is another core part of the Scouts BSA framework. At this level Scouts can work alone or with friends on an incredibly wide variety of merit badges including, Swimming, Animal Science, Citizenship, Programming, Personal Fitness, Whitewater, and more!






 Other Scouting Programs  


Venturing (co-ed program, ages 14-20)
Sea Scouting (co-ed program, ages 14-20)


Venturing and Sea Scouting are programs designed for older Scouts who are looking for high adventure or maritime focused Scouting.


The Organization of Scouting


The BSA is separated into different levels all designed to help information and resources get to those who can best help Scouting in the community, whether this is best practices for recruiting, program ideas and guidance, or event planning.

The BSA delegates its ability to grant Scouting Charters to organizations to the local council. 

Each local council divides itself into geographic or administrative Districts to help manage resources and units. The Narragansett Council has four and one administrative district. 

Within each district are units who are sponsored by a Chartering Organization, which can be any civic or religious institution approved by the local council.




How do we join Scouting?
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a membership-based program, and an application must be completed to join. For youth it’s simple…fill out a youth application and pay the joining dues! You can even find a unit and sign up online at BeAScout.org! (
Financial assistance will always be available to those in need.)

Scouting is a great opportunity for families to share new experiences and create lifelong memories. We encourage families to get involved with their unit so they can help make the program the best it can be!

For adults to register there are a few extra steps: Adults will need to complete the application, background check authorization, CORI background check form, Youth Protection Training*, and pay the joining dues. Approval of application is conditional upon a clean background check. --The CORI form is an additional background check that is required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for ALL registered leaders since part of the council reaches Massachusetts.

*Youth Protection Training (commonly referred to as YPT)
Safety of our youth and volunteers is our primary concern. Youth Protection Training is required
of every adult leader and must be renewed every two years. This great training is available at no cost to everyone! 

How do you take Youth Protection Training?
You'll need to visit My.Scouting.org and set up an account. (This login is important and will be your login for other Scouting websites, like Scoutbook.com or the Scouting App. So, use something you'll remember!)


Other common terms you need to know:

Unit leaders who help direct program.
The highest rank a Cub Scout can earn.
The Narragansett Council is the local arm of the Boy Scouts of America that serves to help organize units, support and direct program opportunities, and help recruit youth throughout south eastern New England.
The Narragansett Council is divided into 4 geographic areas to better structure its support of units.
Which District are you in?
This is a monthly training and networking event run by volunteers like you! Typically held the second week of the month, Roundtables examine a specific topics more in depth than the standard training.
Learn more and review materials from previous roundtables HERE!
This Professional Scouter helps guide the volunteers in their district to assure that they are providing the best service to their units while constantly working to grow Scouting!
This Professional Scouter helps organize their district and provides support to units on technical or informational topics.
When compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, there is no doubt that Scouting delivers great value to its members! Costs include BSA membership fees, uniform costs, and the Adventure Card.
Of course, these costs may be offset by unit fundraising and other available scholarship funds. Please contact your unit leadership for details.
Details about registration fees can be found HERE!
The Adventure Card is your ticket to adventure.
Learn more about the great benefits of the Adventure Card in this FAQ!
The Scout Shop is your one stop shop for all things Scouting!
Check out their hours and keep up with the current deals!



The Narragansett Council is divided into 4 geographic areas to better structure its support of units. Which one are you in?





223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

