Girls can now join Scouts BSA!
After extensive surveys and studies, the Boy Scouts of America’s volunteer-led board of directors recently unanimously approved a plan to welcome girls and young women into all Scouting programs. The BSA continues to believe in the value of gender-specific programs and is not becoming "coed." To learn more details about the new family Scouting options, visit the national BSA family Scouting website.
Girls can join Cub Scout packs!
Cub Scouts do fun things with other kids in grades kindergarten through 5th! They get to wear a cool uniform, go places, and see things. They play all kinds of sports and build things, like race cars and bird houses. Want to learn a secret code? Want to learn about wild animals? Go Cub Scouting!
Beginning in June of 2018, girls of Cub Scout age (kindergarten to 5th grade) are now eligible to become Cub Scouts! Visit www.beascout.org to find a Cub Scout Family Pack near you. Family Packs offer small groups, called dens, for boys and dens for girls.
Girls can join Scouts BSA in all-girl troops!
Troops for girls will officially launched February 1st, 2019. Scouts BSA will offer fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness while encouraging youth to be leaders in their homes, schools, and communities. Our existing programs and troops for boys are not changing and will continue.
Existing programs for girls
Did you know that Boy Scouts of America has had programs for girls for more than 45 years? Exploring, Sea Scouts and Venturing are programs available for girls to join right now, we also have a number of programs to help prepare girls for Scouting!
Summer Camp is open to all Scouts, all ages! Cub Scouts can attend day camp or family camp and older girls can attend Camp Yawgoog starting in the summer of 2019.
Exploring is a career exploration opportunity for girls and boys ages 14 to 20 in which young people with interest in specific careers are matched with local businesses and community organizations with expertise in those fields.
Sea Scouting has a particular emphasis on boating and water-based activities for girls and boys ages 14 to 20. Sea Scouts may sail or cruise on boats, learn navigation, learn how to work on engines and compete in regional events.
Venturing is an exciting adventure-based program for girls and boys age 14 to 20. The Venturing program aims to enable young adults to experience a program of fun, challenge, and adventure; to acquire skills; to become skilled trainers of others; and to prepare for life.
Want to learn more about these programs? Contact us at 401.351.8700 or 508.402.7060 or send an email to kara.mckeonATscouting.org