Popcorn & The High Price Myth

One of the comments that we hear from leaders from time-to-time is that the popcorn sells for a high price, and they worry consumers won't pay that much for a bag of popcorn. That fear couldnt be more far from the truth! After over 30 years selling popcorn Trails End has a long history of data that shows how people are willing to support Scouting.

  • In 2012 the average sale price was $17.33. That's over a $12 donation to Scouting
  • With over 70% going back to local Scouting, over two-thirds of people asked will support scouting with a purchase of popcorn
  • The mid level to high dollar items ($17 to $50) make up over 80% of the total sale

Still not convinced? Take a look at this example using another popular fundraiser - Candy Bars:

  • A unit buys candy bars and sells them for $1 each, keeping 50 cents. The 50% commission seems like a great deal, until you do the math.
  • If the unit asks 100 people to buy candy bars and assuming EVERYONE says yes they will make $50.

If the unit sells popcorn they will have a varitey of products to offer. The average sale price is $17.33. Your commission will be 35%

  • If the unit asks 100 people to buy pocporn, and only 70% of the people say yes they will make $424.59 (70 people x $17.33 average price x 35% commission)
  • If only 50% say yes, a very unlikely and low percentage, then the unit would make $303.28 (50 people x 17.33 x 35% commission

Even if you only  get 50% of the people saying "yes" you will make 6 times the amount of profit! Not to mention that once you by the candy bars you own them. With Popcorn the sale is no-risk and we will take back unsold product. We dont bill until the sale is over. We offer a local team to provide support and guidance. We offer online and mobile selling options, and more!

Once you get down to it, the Popcorn sale is just more economical and make more sense!

Where does the Money go?

Units keep their commission to help fund their unit's program and how the money is entirely up to them. Some units use it to raise funds for a big trip, summer camp, new gear, or just regular operating expenses. Many units pay for their entire year's program with this one fundraiser

The Council's portion of the sale helps fund things like camperships, improvements at 8 great camps, and ot pay for things like our online registration system. All of the money get directly re-invested in local Scouting.

Still have questions? We would love to hear from you - click here.












223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

