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NYLT Course 64 at Yawgoog Scout Reservation

NYLT Course 64 at Yawgoog Scout Reservation
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
Yawgoog Scout Reservation - 61 Camp Yawgoog Road
Rockville, RI 02873, US
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NYLT Course 64


WHAT - NYLT is designed to provide your Scout with a virtual “tool box” of leadership skills and knowledge to confidently return to your home unit and effectively run a youth-led program. Following a national syllabus, participants will be organized into teams (Patrols), and be involved in team-building exercises demonstrated and modeled by the youth staff in both classroom and outdoor learning centers. By working within teams (Patrols), and interacting with participants from other units, they will be able to immediately begin to practice the new skills they learn during the course. Upon completion of the course, they will return to your unit with goals that they have developed to improve your program. 

WHO To attend NYLT, a Scout must have approval of their Scoutmaster, be at least 13 years of age by the start of the course, have completed 7th grade, and be at least First Class.  No exceptions can be made to the age and rank requirements.  A Venturer must have the recommendation of their Crew Advisor. Sea Scouts must have recommendation of their Skipper. All Scouts should have taken Introduction to Leadership Skills course prior to attending NYLT in their home Troop, Crew or Ship. 

WHERE -  Yawgoog Scout Reservation - 61 Camp Yawgoog Road Rockville, RI 02873

WHY - As a unit leader committed to guiding a program led by your youth leaders, you have a unique opportunity to invest in your unit by inviting your outstanding youth to participate in this nationally accredited BSA Youth Leadership program. So don’t delay – get them registered right away! We look forward to meeting you and working with the Scouts from your unit!

WHEN August 15th - Saturday August 20th, 2022

HOW - Register online today!

$300.00 per Participant
Early Discount
Before 4/16/2022 a discount of $25.00 will apply.



223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873